2017.04.07 TAMIYA Wild Willy M38 Orz NIB (New In Box)

TAMIYA Wild Willy M38 Orz 威力一代的價值 eBay - How much about the Wild Willy M38 of bidding price on eBay

2013.04.04 威力一代的價值 eBay

How much about the Wild Willy M38 of bidding price on eBay ?!

When TAMIYA make a subject about re-released all of the typical RC car period 1980s, there should be someone who looks like me to have a look and waiting for TAMIYA that maybe will to re-released another RC car and get a nerves when you find out a typical vintage RC car on auction website, you do not exactly bidding it,right?!  for instance , FOX (58051)! since all kind of the typical TAMIYA RC car as Hotshot , Avante, especially Sand Scorcher re-released is a big news. thought, will be has a chance of re-released Wild Willy M38 one day?!

當田宮推出越野車元年企畫案,大舉復刻1980年代的絕版車,應該也有人和傑克我一樣每年觀望著看看老田今年會不會又復刻什麼來著~看到一些絕版車,NIB,根本躊躇不敢花大錢買下去,例如58051 Fox狐狸.那威力推出二代後,一代目前的價值如何?!連發燒,Avante,Sand Scorcher都復刻了,老田會不會哪一天忽然宣佈復刻威力一代呢?

Jack, I am one of the fans of the Wild Willy M38 can tell you that do not worry about re-released it . at first , let us who fans of the Wild Willy M38 to review the bidding price on eBay~ 

tamiya wild willy m38 orz in Taiwan

上面是eBay上有賣家結標的NIB SWB version, LWB version約US$1,000~1,250
The ended of bidding price in new-in-box type (NIB) on eBay about US$1,000~1,250.

tamiya wild willy m38 orz in Taiwan
上面是eBay上有賣家結標的LWB version,非全新, US$490
The ended of bidding price in good condition on eBay about US$490.

tamiya wild willy m38 orz in Taiwan
上面是eBay上有買家在競標的LWB version,全新未落地,無盒,已經US$566(NT$16,900),還沒結標~四顆不錯的輪胎結標價約NT$6500左右!!!
若在Yahoo Japan 拍賣上,一台不錯的落地車,約NT$11,000~14,000上下,起伏較大.

The ended of bidding price in newly building condition on eBay about US$600~700. and a group of tires which bidding price in good condition is about  NT$6500 (US$200) that year. if you find out a newly Willy M38 on auction Yahoo Japan, its bidding price about NT$11,000~14,000 (US$340~440).

老田會不會繼Sand Scorcher後,再把這80年代的經典工藝再次復活?!?!?!

Now let us guys talk about TAMIYA has a chance of re-released Wild Willy M38 again, or not yet?! I will be share you guys some information in another topic to discuss it.

後記: 2013.04.18 田宮宣佈狐狸58051 Fox復刻

NOTE: TAMIYA re-release the FOX in 18th April 2013. (from Tamiyablog news)
tamiya wild willy m38 orz in Taiwan

Thanks for watching!
