TAMIYA Wild Willy M38 Orz 威力一代與威力二代,田宮真有你的! Oh! TAMIYA! a very interesting case has come to my notice.
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2013.03.24 威力一代與威力二代,田宮真有你的!
Oh! TAMIYA! a very interesting case has come to my notice.
M38 Jeep (BRC-40 Jeep) is a famous military vehicle of the World War II, TAMIYA Wild Willy M38 straight water tank mask is completely designed as same by M38 Jeep style.
M38 Jeep是二次大戰美軍著名的軍事用車, TAMIYA Wild Willy M38的直式水箱罩便是完全參照此車的造型製作的.
此著名的軍事吉普車當然也有改良版出了第二代, M151 Jeep. 外型上與M38 Jeep最明顯的差異就是前面的水箱罩變成橫式的了.記得沒錯的話,越戰大量使用了M151. 早期國內當兵的人應該都見過吧,傑克在馬祖當兵時常常搭此車夜巡各據點~
This famous military jeep also has a modified version of the second generation, the difference of between M38 and M151 is water tank mask appearance in front of the Jeep. M151 Jeep, the most obvious is the water tank mask into the horizontal type. If memories correctly, Vietnam War uses a large number of M151. Early rule in Taiwan, every boys have to take a service in army for two years . Jack often get on this car to check military strongholds all night.
This famous military jeep also has a modified version of the second generation, the difference of between M38 and M151 is water tank mask appearance in front of the Jeep. M151 Jeep, the most obvious is the water tank mask into the horizontal type. If memories correctly, Vietnam War uses a large number of M151. Early rule in Taiwan, every boys have to take a service in army for two years . Jack often get on this car to check military strongholds all night.
TAMIYA在2000年推出威力二代,也跟著將直式水箱改為橫式水箱,是不是"老田"的手法就不得而知了! 也令人莞爾一笑 !
It is a very interesting case has come to my notice which is TAMIYA released Wild Willy 2 in 2000, and the water tank mask into the horizontal type too ! You are a one , TAMIYA ! Haha!
Thanks for watching!
It is a very interesting case has come to my notice which is TAMIYA released Wild Willy 2 in 2000, and the water tank mask into the horizontal type too ! You are a one , TAMIYA ! Haha!
Thanks for watching!
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